Last Friday night, the three of us went out to eat at a restaurant called Max and Erma’s. Emily was in rare form that night. She had Melissa and I laughing so hard at so many different things. I thought I’d share the joy with any of you who check the blog every now and then.
· For the first time, Emily really interacted with the waitress. After the waitress took Melissa and my orders… Emily wanted to give her order too. She just started talking. The waitress had no clue what Emily was saying… but Emily wanted to be like mommy and daddy.
· Later on, Melissa asked the waitress to bring an extra plate so that we could share our food with Emily. The waitress said sure and started to walk away and all of a sudden, Emily shouted… “I want plate… I want plate!” The waitress turned and smiled and said, “Ok… I’m getting it.” To which Emily responded by saying… “Ok, sorry” The waitress got a kick out of that exchange.
· After we were done eating, the waitress came to pick up our plates. But she didn’t take Emily’s plate right away. Emily picked up her plate and handed to the waitress to take away.
· Right before we left, the waitress thanked us for coming in and told us to have a good night… then started to walk away. Emily shouted ‘Bye!’ I think the waitress had a good time at our table.
· Emily cracked us up. I had ordered a pasta-type dish and Emily loves pasta… so she asked to come to my side of the table and eat off of my entrée. The noodles were very thin and long… so we tried to teach her how to slurp the noodles up in her mouth. She watched me do it once… then she tried… but instead of inhaling… she did the opposite and blew the noodles out of her mouth and onto the plate. You probably had to be there to really understand the full comedic effect… but it was plenty hilarious.
· Nowadays, she is trying her best to be as independent as possible. So she wants to walk everywhere herself. Before leaving the house, she typically grabs a little white purse to take with her just like mommy. It’s pretty cute.
· She did my heart proud. I can’t remember which night it was… but she actually saw one of my star wars toys that I was selling on ebay and shouted: ‘Star Wars!’ She then went the movie rack and said ‘I watch star wars… I watch star wars.’ I picked up Episode 1 and we watched the first half an hour together before she lost interest.
· She is a singer! I can’t tell if she will be good or not in the future… but she knows so many song by heart now, it’s just amazing to me. And she starts them by herself and sings through them by herself. Her pitch isn’t spot on… BUT she knows when the notes change… as she will change the pitch of the song at all the appropriate places.
· She continues to amaze and delight me. No one could have ever convinced me four years ago that having a child would bring me so much joy. I really thank God for her. I know this stage will not last forever… but I am so glad I am able to be a part of it.