Emily is in afternoon Kindergarten this year which means she goes to school at 12:55 every day. So, when her schedule changes and she has to go to school at a different time...it's always a very exciting thing!! Well, Emily has a field trip today and has to be at school at 10:30 and get picked up at 1:15. When I picked her up from school yesterday...this is what she said to me:
Emily: Mom, we have a field trip tomorrow.
Me: Yeah, I know. It should be fun.
Emily: Mom, I know you like to sleep for a long time, but tomorrow you are going to have to not sleep so long because we have to be at school at 10:30.
Me: Okay hun, I think I can manage that.
Emily: We have to be at school at 10:30. I know that cuz I put it in my brain. Can you put it in your brain too, so you don't forget it?
Me: Yes, honey...I will do that.
When I told Josh this story, I asked him if he even remembered the last time we slept till 10:30!! I'm thinking it's been atleast 5 years. :)
Then, last night when I crawled into bed....I found this sign taped to a water bottle and sitting on my night stand. It says 10:30, but it's hard to make out the 0. She ran out of room and had to squeeze it in. Apparently she didn't think she could trust me to get her up on time. For the record....I was up at 6:45 with my personal alarm clock...Aaron.