Friday, March 31, 2017

Prayer in Change

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I am slowly working through a book called 'Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals.'  I have loved the book so far and I think I will enjoy using it more frequently at the start of the next liturgical year (Advent).  There is a section in the book that has 'Occasional Prayers' for a variety of different situations.  There are prayers for households and workplaces which are excellent.  But I stumbled across a prayer to pray in the midst of change and thought I would share it here:

"Lord, help me now to unclutter my life, to organize myself in the direction of simplicity.  Lord, teach me to listen to my heart; teach me to welcome change, instead of fearing it.  Lord, I give you these stirrings inside me.  I give you my discontent.  I give you my restlessness.  I give you my doubt.  I give you my despair.  I give you all the longings I hold inside.  Help me to listen to these signs of change, of growth; help me to listen seriously and follow where they lead through the breathtaking empty space of an open door."

I don't think this prayer resonated with me specifically because of a need to handle change better.  I can usually handle change pretty well.  But there were some key words in there that do speak to me in specific seasons:  Discontent; restless; fear; doubt.  There are days when I feel so incredibly restless and I never really know what to do with that pent-up energy.  It is frustrating and hard to put into words what I feel like inside of myself when that happens.  I think this prayer speaks directly to some of those things - better than I've been able to articulate before.

Back to the gospel of Matthew tomorrow!

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