Thursday, January 05, 2006

Ambition vs. Calling

I have recently been reading a book for pastors from the Mastering Ministry series entitled Danger, Toils & Snares. There is a chapter in there that has challenged and encouraged me about the topic of a pastor’s ambition.

The writer of this particular chapter is Richard Exley. He brought up a few great points about ambition and ministry. He started by giving the example of David wanting to build a temple for the Lord to dwell in. As we learn from scripture, this might have been David’s dream, but it was not God’s will for David. In the end, David was told ‘no’ but his son, Solomon was told ‘yes.’

Exley used this story to illustrate a mistake that ministers sometimes make. He said it best: “And herein lies a great danger to the man or woman of God: we are not tempted to do bad things as much as we are tempted to try things God has not called us to do.” Wow! That is such a true statement.

I have preached several times on the fact that we can get caught up doing good things that we forget to build upon our relationship with God. In much the same way, as a pastor, I need to recognize when I’m doing ministry out of my own will, rather than what God wills for me. And, like David’s dream of building the temple, it can get so tricky. We figure that if it’s a good thing and if it’s a God honoring thing… it must be what we should be doing. Kind of like the story of Martha and Mary… both did good things… but Mary choose to do the better thing… to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to Him. I want to be careful that I am doing what God wants me to do… not what I want to do in ministry.

Exley included some ‘ambition accountability questions’ that I jotted down: As with all types of accountability questions… these don’t work unless you are honest with yourself. However, I think these are valuable questions to ask if I can also be honest about my answers.

1) Have I fully surrendered this desire to the Lord?
2) Is this truly God’s plan or just my own ambition?
3) Am I waiting for the Lord to ‘open the door’ or am I impatiently forcing things to happen?
4) Am I resorting to human methods in an attempt to accomplish God’s plan?
5) Am I attempting this because God has called me to do it or because I am driven to succeed?

Exley made another statement that jumped out at me. He tried to define the difference between being driven in ministry and being called to ministry. “A driven man is consumed with his own needs and desires. A called man is committed to the Father. A driven man is ambitious. A called man is obedient.” I thought that was an interesting distinction to make. I’m not sure I’m ready to say that being driven is wrong… because I think God can take all the different parts of us and reconcile those things to His will. If I am a driven person, I think God can take that driven-ness to succeed and use it for His kingdom.

His statements about being called did resonate with me. My calling is so important to me. My calling encourages me when I feel like I’m not good enough. My calling reminds me that I’m not in this alone. My calling keeps me humble by reminding me that it is not by my strength or giftedness that effective ministry is done… but by the strength of the One who has called me. My calling prods me to move forward, even when I feel like I am not making a difference and that nobody is listening.

Anyway… it was one of those times when I picked up a book that I hadn’t picked up in a long time… and all I read was one or two chapters and it was exactly what I needed to read at that particular time in my life. I really needed to be reminded of my call right now. I needed to be reminded of what being called means. I needed to be reminded of why I do what I do. I’m thankful for God’s gentle reminders…


Scott D. Hendricks said...

Thanks, Josh. I may have needed to hear that too.

Angele Myska said...

I needed to hear this too. I'm not a professional minister but I've been waiting for a call from God on what he'd have me do. I am tempted to be driven all the time--should I sing in church? I want to but I want to wait and see if God leads me in that direction. Maybe He needs me sitting next to my husband in the pew for a few years instead. I'm also driven to fill up my time with things I haven't had time to do before. My new found energy and interest in physical things--I'd love to take ice skating lessons, karate, tap dancing...also would like to take up guitar again. I am driven to do these creative and physical things--but will my family or budget suffer if I do them? I think so. Perhaps there will be a time and place for these things but I have to put my drive on hold and wait. Right now, I think God's call for me is volunteering with the Crisis Pregnancy Center ministry. That's been pretty clear so I gotta run with that.

Kevin Wright said...

Excellent post. Thanks for writing this. I definitely needed to read/hear that and I'm thankful that you put it into tangible words. That list was killer as well.