Monday, November 27, 2006

Pardon the Mess

It's been a long time since I've posted... and there's been a reason for that. I'll save that for another post. Check back every day... I'm hoping to have a new post each day this week. New pictures, family updates, and the last few Disney World vacation recaps. I might even sprinkle a new video or two in there.

I've decided to change things around. I found a template I liked, but that means that I have to redo all of my side bar links. Just so you know... when I put my blog links back up... I will only include those sites that have posted within the two months. If you haven't, I won't include it. No offense... just don't want to offer a link to a page that isn't updated.

I'm also rethinking my title. I'm using the current one as an homage to the best cowboy movie ever made. It will probably change in the next couple of days. I have a few ideas, but I want to think about it for a little bit.

All this to say that I'm tinkering with the site a little bit and hopefully a better page will emerge from all of this... stay tuned!

1 comment:

Matt said...

glad your back bro! I was getting a little worried...but I know how harry things get, and I can imagine with two kids its even crazier for you! Praying for you bro!