Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Collapse of the Cardinals?

This is an excerpt from an article from Baseball Prospectus that I found back in February... written by Will Leitch:

“It’s not just one thing. It’s a combination of all of it, the unwanted new stadium, the lack of respect for radio tradition, the sudden (and promise-breaking) penny-pinching. Suddenly, this doesn’t resemble the fuzzy love of Cardinal Nation; it feels like just another team. Like a business. It is a business, of course, but when you’re messing with Cardinals tradition, you’re in serious danger of killing the golden goose. If the fans turn against the franchise, the Cardinals really are just another team. And that’s disaster.

Imagine, if you will, the Cardinals getting off to a rough start this year, and combine that with disorganization at the new park; it won't be able to handle full capacity until May, and the concessions will only be partly open for the first month. Those outside the St. Louis area may open the season by struggling to get adequate radio reception. The Cardinals suddenly aren’t so cuddly; the fans finally express their impatience with Tony LaRussa not turning into Whitey Herzog.

If the fans start to turn, it could be dark days for St. Louis baseball. It could happen much sooner than you think.”

Is this guy serious? Is this guy even familiar with most regular Cardinal fans? I will admit that I was disappointed to hear that the Cardinal payroll would not be going up this past winter… but would that be enough to cause me to turn on my team? No. Is that going to be enough to turn most fans around here against the Cardinals? No. Considering that we still have the sixth highest payroll in the Major Leagues… I’d say that we are doing alright.

I have the same type of opinion about the radio station. I am sad to see KMOX not carry the games this year, but more because of tradition than because of practicality. KTRS probably won’t have as far of a reach as KMOX did… but we live in a time where it doesn’t really have to. People can still get Cardinal baseball in a variety of ways… from satellite television, to satellite radio, to the internet… there are ways to still get Cardinal baseball, even if you don’t get KTRS. I’m sure there will be a handful of fans out there who will be disappointed enough to vow not to support the organization anymore. These are the same people that are unhappy with the job that Walt Jocketty and Tony LaRussa have done. You know, because going to the playoffs five of the last six years is just terrible. They are a small minority. They will not make a difference.

My biggest disagreement with this article comes in the form of the new ballpark. Though the old Busch stadium was greatly loved and even though most Cardinal fans wondered why we needed a new stadium in the first place… I think this will be a situation where no one will really know how greatly we needed a new park until they take in a game IN THE NEW PARK. Seriously. I’ve seen the pictures. I’ve been by the stadium. Old Busch won’t even be able to hold a candle to this new stadium. Old Busch was only good because of the tradition and fans anyway. This new stadium will still have the great fans and will begin creating its’ own tradition in the coming weeks… along with better sightlines, better food, more walking space, better layout, better acoustics and scoreboards, more to do… etc. etc. etc.

Most fans that I’ve talked to recently aren’t upset by the new stadium… they are excited about it. They can’t wait to see the finished product. They can’t wait to take in a ballgame there. The true form of proof comes in ticket sales… and considering the Cardinals have already sold close to 3.5 MILLION tickets already for the upcoming season… I’d say that people are pretty excited about it.

I don’t know, Mr. Will Leitch, whoever you are… The collapse of the baseball market in St. Louis and the turning of the best fans in baseball on their beloved Cardinals may happen someday… but it won’t be happening this year… and it certainly won’t be happening as soon as you think it will. Why don’t you turn your doomsday article writing on another team with less loyal fans, less tradition, and a team with less potential? In fact, I can think of another city IN MISSOURI that this article might relate to more…

But the St. Louis Cardinals? You must be out of your mind.


Angele Myska said...

Jeff and I can't wait to return home and make some new memories with Alex and Olivia at the new Busch! I'm jealous!!

Jeff got the book "Three Nights in August" for Christmas...he's only two chapters in but for a guy who doesn't like to read, that's saying alot. Anyway, just wondering if you've heard of it or read it yet. I think it's a Cards v. Cubs book.

Josh H said...

Angele - Yes I have read the book... over a week while I was in San Diego last summer. It's got my vote for the best baseball book that I've read. It really opens your eyes to strategy, player-manager relations, how crappy the Cubs are, and many other things. The chapter on Jack Buck and Darryl Kile was particularly moving to me.

I hope he enjoys it... I found it fascinating!