Due to rising gasoline prices… my head has not been able to adequately wrap itself around any of the ‘serious’ articles that I would like to write sometime soon. (No, I don’t know what rising gas prices have to do with it, but I have to blame it on SOMETHING.) So, I am moving back to my trusty ‘If’ book for the second week in a row.
If you could change one thing in the world right now, what would you altar?Lower gas prices! Just kidding… sort of. Another one of those questions where the easy answer is to say: No More Evil, No More War, No More Terrorists, and No More Cubs Fans! (Just kidding about the Cubs fans thing… sort of.) I’ll go with no more evil, but I still run into the whole eliminating free will thing… which God declined to do… and though this might surprise some of you… God is more knowledgeable about creation how the world is supposed to work than I am.
If you had to assassinate one famous person who is alive right now, who would it be, and how would you do it?Well, assassination is quite a serious crime. I mean, I just said that I would like to eliminate all evil, which would include assassination. However, this was the question asked… and my answer would probably be one of two types of people: Someone from the Hollywood left that doesn’t know anything about anything and uses their fame to get involved in issues that we make him/her look better… not necessarily because they want to change the world. The second type of person would be the famous Christian right wing radicals that say dumb things like: Hurricane Katrina happened because God was pouring out his wrath on a morally bankrupt New Orleans. Gag me with a freakin’ spoon. (Or better yet, I choose that as my method of assassination… death by spoon gagging… watch out Pat Robertson, if you see me coming at you with a spoon…) ‘Course, there are certain Cub players and MANAGER that would be close to making my ‘list.’
If you could permanently alter one thing about your physical appearance, what would you change?Easiest question so far: I’d like to lose weight… I would like to permanently hover at the 175 mark for the rest of my long, tennis playing life.
If you could have stopped aging at any point in your life up to the present, how old would you want to remain?There are several ways to interpret this question… what exactly happens when I stop aging? Do I stop learning? Does everybody in my life stop aging at the exact same time? Or does it just have to do with my physical aging… while the rest of the world grows old around me? Another question I would have is whether I can lose weight after I've stopped my aging... I mean, I would probably chose 24 or 25, but I'd like to lose some of the weight that I carried then. If I can't lose weight, then I would be forced to go all the way back to 18 or 19 when I was last under 200 pounds.
If you could inherit a comfortable home in any city in the world that you could use but not sell, where would you want it to be?Easy, St. Louis. Yes, some dreams do come true. Orlando would take second place.
If you could inherit a vacation home anywhere in the world in which you could spend one month a year, but that you could never sell, where would it be?1) Orlando 2) San Diego
Ok, you know the drill… what would be your answers to these questions?