Tuesday, May 09, 2006

For the most part, our house is finally ready for the new baby to arrive. Here are the pictures:

The nursery in all its' sports teddy bear glory...

More nursery...

Emily's has upgraded to a bigger bed size... and Melissa has finally gotton all white furniture in Emily's room! (She's been wanting that for awhile...)

Because we turned our home office/computer room into the nursery... we had to get creative in where to put all our office stuff. Here was solution number 1: An armoire to house all the computer stuff... down in the basement now.

Solution 2: Two new oversized book shelves for all our books. Solution 3: Throw the rest of it the guest room closet, the storage room, or in the garage.


Angele Myska said...

Sweet! Loved the pics...we need to get Olivia a big girl bed and I'm wanting all white for her too...everything I like is too expensive...where'd you get em's bed? We're in negotiations with Jeff's parents to take the kids for July and August...they're dying for them, not sure I can handle such a long separation but know quality grandparent time is important and are some of my best memories...so I want that for them too...plus I have a butt load of school now that I've started my MA in counseling...yikes!

Anyway, that's our news for now...I'm in class all day this week so I hope to post a blog about that soon, as well as easter pics, Jeff's bday pics...got lots to blog about!

Anyway, love what you've done with the house...we used to have our computer in an armoire too...pretty convenient isn't it?

Josh H said...


It was a gift for her birthday from her grandparents... and though I should remember where I got it, it is slipping my mind right now. I'll email it to you when I find out from Melissa.

Thanks for the update! Can't wait to hear about your 'school' blog. Should be cool! Take care!
