Friday, November 23, 2007

Christmas Tree

So we finally broke down and bought a new (fake) Christmas tree this year. It's a 7.5 foot, pre-lit, wispy willow pine beauty that stands tall and proud in our living room! We love it! (Pictures coming, but we are having issues with our digital camera.)

That said, I will always have fond memories of our old 'Charlie Brown' christmas tree. We bought it the year before we got married, after Christmas, for $10. It lasted nine years... which means that it cost us about $1.11 per Christmas to own and operate that tree. After looking at those numbers, we felt ok making the decision to buy a new one.

That old tree was the first tree to 'house' the presents of our young marriage; the first presents of Emily; and even the first presents of Aaron... though he'll never remember it. There's a significant amount of history that surrounds that old tree. (Even if it WAS just a tad little taller than me and, honestly, it was probably skinnier than me too)

It may not have been the prettiest tree in the world, but the family time that it represents more than makes up for its' deficiencies...

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